The third installation to join The Demon Girl Next Door series is based on an original illustration created by series illustrator Izumi Ito! From the TV anime The Demon Girl Next Door 2, Shadow Mistress Yuko, or “Shamiko” comes to life in a school uniform look!
The figure recreates the scene shown in the illustration and anime opening, where Shamiko walks in the rain with Momo. Features like her gently fluttering skirt, sleek black tights, and yellow umbrella, complete with a mascot of her rival, have all been carefully sculpted down to every last detail. Be sure to notice the various motifs designed on the base and the rainy day version of her ancestor.
Display her with the separately sold Momo Chiyoda School Uniform Ver. and enjoy the two of them side by side as they share an umbrella together!
Always doing her best for Momo’s smile and in order to protect the town, be sure to add this hardworking Shamiko to your collection today!
Painted PVC (Phthalate-free) & ABS 1/7 scale complete product with stand included. Approximately 255mm in height.